To remove bearings from skateboard wheels, pry them out with a tool after unscrewing the wheel. Use a bearing puller or the axle of the skateboard truck for leverage.

Skateboarding thrills enthusiasts with the blend of sport and artistry it offers, demanding maintenance skills to keep the ride smooth. Bearings, the small circular components that enable the wheels to rotate on the axle, play a crucial role in this.

Over time, they collect dirt or wear out, calling for removal either for cleaning or replacement. Mastering the simple yet vital task of bearing removal not only prolongs the life of your skateboard but also ensures optimal performance and safety. DIY skateboard maintenance can be both a satisfying and cost-effective endeavor, allowing riders to quickly get back to executing their tricks and enjoying their adventures on wheels.

Understanding Skateboard Bearings

Skateboard bearings are crucial components that sit inside the wheel hub, enabling smooth and efficient rotation of the wheels. For skaters aiming to maintain or enhance their ride, knowing how to remove these bearings is an essential skill. Bearings have their own unique structure and function, and understanding these elements is the first step toward successful maintenance.

Parts And Function Of Skateboard Bearings

Bearings may seem small, but they are complex. Here’s a breakdown of their anatomy and role:

  • Inner Ring: The smaller ring that fits on the axle.
  • Outer Ring: The larger ring that interfaces with the wheel.
  • Balls: Typically six or seven, these steel or ceramic spheres reduce friction as they roll between the rings.
  • Ball Retainer: Also known as the “cage,” it keeps the balls evenly spaced.
  • Seals/Shields: They protect the internal components from dirt and damage.

The function of bearings can’t be overstated; they facilitate the wheel’s motion by minimizing friction between the non-moving parts of the skateboard (the axle) and the moving parts (the wheel). A smooth ride and the ability to pick up speed depend on the quality and condition of these bearings. Proper care, including regular cleaning and lubrication, extends their life and improves overall skateboarding performance.

Tools Needed For Bearing Removal

Every skateboard enthusiast knows the ride is only smooth when the wheels and bearings are in top shape. Over time, bearings need maintenance or replacement to keep the skateboard rolling at its best. To tackle this task, you need the right set of tools to efficiently and safely remove bearings from skateboard wheels. The following sections will help you understand what tools you should have on hand and why choosing the appropriate gear is crucial.

List Of Essential Tools

Preparation is the key to any successful maintenance task, and when it comes to skateboards, having the right tools can make all the difference. Here’s a list of essential tools you’ll need for bearing removal:

  • Skate Tool or Wrench: Specifically designed for skateboards, a skate tool fits the nuts on the wheels. Alternatively, a wrench matching the axle nut size works as well.
  • Bearing Puller: A bearing puller is a tool specifically made to remove bearings from wheels without causing damage.
  • Flat-head Screwdriver or Bearing Pusher: If a bearing puller isn’t available, a flat-head screwdriver can double up to pry the bearing out. A bearing pusher is also a good substitute.
  • Plastic or Rubber Mallet (Optional): Sometimes, a gentle tap is required to help remove the bearings. A plastic or rubber mallet is ideal to avoid damage.
  • Lubricant (Optional): In cases where the bearings are stuck, a lubricant can help ease them out.

Importance Of Using The Right Tools

Using the correct tools is not just about efficiency; it’s about protecting your skateboard’s components from unnecessary wear. The right tools minimize the risk of damaging the wheels, bearings, and the skateboard deck itself. For instance, a skate tool is precisely designed to fit the nuts on skateboard wheels, ensuring the force applied is distributed evenly. Unsuitable tools can slip or strip the nuts, leading to additional costs and headaches. Similarly, a bearing puller ensures that when you pull the bearing out, it’s done in a manner that doesn’t compromise the integrity of the wheel’s structure. The role of each tool in maintaining the condition of your skateboard cannot be overstated, and that is why investing in the necessary equipment is essential for any skateboard maintenance kit.

Step By Step Bearing Removal Process

An often overlooked skill for skateboarding enthusiasts is the ability to remove bearings from skateboard wheels efficiently. Whether you’re cleaning them, replacing worn-out ones, or upgrading to performance bearings, mastering this process will save you time and extend the life of your gear. In this guide, we’ll take you through a step-by-step bearing removal process that’s both simple and effective.

Preparing The Skateboard

Before you begin, ensure you have a clean workspace and the right tools. These include a skateboard tool or a wrench that fits your axle nuts and a bearing puller, although in a pinch, the truck of the skateboard can serve as an impromptu tool. Gather your materials and let’s prepare for removal.

  • Clear a level area to work on.
  • Loosen and remove the axle nuts using the skateboard tool or wrench.
  • Take off the wheels from the axle by sliding them out gently.

Techniques For Bearing Removal

There are a couple of techniques you can use depending on the tools at hand:

  1. Bearing puller method: Clamp the puller around the bearing, tighten it, and pop the bearing out. This method is recommended as it prevents potential damage to the bearings and wheels.
  2. Skateboard truck method: Position the wheel halfway off the axle and leverage the truck to pry the bearing out. This requires some force, so be careful not to damage the wheel.

Removal Of Bearings From Skateboard Wheels

Once you have your technique chosen, proceed with the following steps:

1Secure the skateboard wheel.Hold the wheel firmly with one hand.
2Insert the tool.Place the puller or truck axle against the bearing.
3Apply force evenly.Pull or leverage the bearing out without jerking.
4Repeat for the second bearing.Flip the wheel and remove the opposing bearing.

After removing the bearings, you’re ready to clean or replace them. Remember to work carefully to avoid damaging both the bearings and skateboard wheels. With these steps, you’ll have the bearings out in no time, ready for whatever maintenance you have planned next.

Tips For Easy And Safe Bearing Removal

Removing bearings from skateboard wheels is a crucial part of skateboard maintenance. With the right approach, not only can this process be straightforward, but it will also ensure a longer lifespan for both bearings and wheels. Follow these tips for easy and safe bearing removal, and get back to skating with smooth, reliable wheels in no time.

Precautions To Take

Before attempting to remove skateboard bearings, it’s essential to take certain precautions to prevent injury and damage to your skateboard.

  • Wear protective gloves to guard against potential scrapes and to get a better grip on the wheels and bearings.
  • Use a clean, flat surface to work on to avoid losing any small components and to keep the skateboard stable.
  • Have the right tools on hand, such as a skateboard tool or a bearing press, to facilitate safe removal.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite following the appropriate steps, you might encounter some difficulties when removing bearings. Troubleshooting these common issues can save time and prevent damage.

Bearings are stuckApply a lubricant and gently wiggle the bearing loose
Wheels have debrisClean the wheel interior before attempting removal again
The tool doesn’t fitEnsure you’re using the correct size tool for your skateboard bearings

Should these solutions not resolve the problem, seek professional assistance to avoid causing irreparable damage. Responsible maintenance keeps your rides smooth and safe, ensuring the longevity of every component of your beloved skateboard.

Maintaining Skateboard Wheels After Bearing Removal

Once you’ve successfully removed the bearings from your skateboard wheels, it’s crucial to seize the opportunity to maintain them. Maintaining skateboard wheels after bearing removal isn’t just a step you might want to take, it’s an essential part of skateboard upkeep for a smooth, safe ride. This process includes cleaning, inspecting, and possibly replacing bearings, to ensure your skateboard stays in top condition.

Cleaning And Inspection

With the bearings out, a thorough cleaning is due. Follow these steps to make sure your wheels and bearings are spotless and ready to roll:

  • Wipe down the wheels using a clean rag to remove any dirt or debris accumulated during rides.
  • Use a mild cleaner, like soapy water, to scrub the surfaces without damaging the material of the wheels.
  • Rinse carefully to avoid any soap residue that could attract more dirt once the wheels are back on your skateboard.
  • Inspect the wheels for cracks or damage. In case of any issues, consider replacing the wheels to prevent accidents or further damage.

For the bearings, submerge them in a solvent and shake gently to dislodge any grime. Allow them to dry completely before lubricating them with a high-quality skateboard bearing oil to keep them running smoothly.

Replacing Bearings If Necessary

Sometimes, cleaning may not be enough if the bearings are beyond repair. Here’s how to assess and proceed with replacing skateboard bearings:

  1. Assess the bearings for smoothness by spinning them with your fingers. Rough or halting movement indicates a need for replacement.
  2. Examine the bearing shields for any signs of damage or deformities.
  3. Check the bearing casing for rust or corrosion, which can both impede performance and shorten the lifespan of your bearings.

Upon confirmation of damage, select high-quality replacements that match the size and rating of your skateboard. Precisely install the new bearings to ensure they sit snugly within the wheel hubs, optimizing wheel performance and rider safety.

How to Remove Bearings from Skateboard Wheels: A Quick Guide


Frequently Asked Questions On How To Remove Bearings From Skateboard Wheels

Do You Need Special Tools To Remove Bearings?

No, special tools are not necessary. A skateboard tool or wrench and a flat-head screwdriver can remove bearings. Ensure you use tools of the correct size to avoid damage.

Can Bearings Be Removed Without Damaging Them?

Yes, bearings can be removed without damage. Apply gentle pressure evenly around the bearing. Use the axle or a bearing puller. Avoid excessive force to maintain bearing integrity.

How Long Does It Take To Remove Skateboard Bearings?

With the right tools and some practice, bearing removal typically takes a few minutes. Speed may vary depending on the wheel and bearing condition.

What Is The Easiest Way To Remove Bearings From Skateboard Wheels?

The easiest way is to leverage the wheel on the axle of the truck to pop the bearing out. Repeat on the other side for a quick and smooth removal.


Removing skateboard wheel bearings doesn’t need to be a struggle. With the right tools and steps, you’ll master the process quickly. Consistent maintenance ensures a smooth ride and extends your skateboard’s life. Grab your kit, follow these tips, and skateboarding will be effortless every time.

Stay rolling!