How to push off a skateboard?

How to push off a skateboard

Pushing off is a fundamental part of skateboarding. It’s the initial movement you make when riding, and it sets in motion a chain reaction that allows you to move forward. But how do you actually push off? Read on for more details about this crucial skill.

How to push off a skateboard?

To start, you will need to push off the ground using your back foot. This can be a bit tricky for beginners, as it requires some coordination and balance.

The trick is to push off with your opposite foot, which is usually your dominant hand’s opposing side. For example, if you have a dominant right hand then it’s best to use your left foot to push off from the ground when learning how to skateboard.

Push off wearing shoes or with protective gear

Skateboarding can be a very dangerous sport if you don’t take precautions for your safety. A good pair of skateboard shoes should have an excellent grip, but that doesn’t mean they need to be heavy or bulky. You want them as light as possible so that they don’t slow you down when riding on your board and hinder your performance in any way.

The best shoe brands for this purpose include Vans, Adidas Skateboarding and Converse Jack Purcell (just make sure the sole is designed specifically for skating).

Don’t push off with your dominant foot

You’ve got two options for pushing off a skateboard: you can use your dominant foot, or you can use the foot that is not your dominant one. If you’re more comfortable with one of these methods than the other, that’s totally fine—just make sure that when it comes time to push off, you’re doing so with the correct foot.

If you find it easier to push off with your right foot instead of your left and vice versa, then go ahead and work on strengthening this side until it becomes more comfortable than the other side. This doesn’t mean that if someone else has trouble pushing off with their dominant hand they should try switching hands permanently; rather, they should strengthen their non-dominant hand until it becomes equally strong as its counterpart.

Slide along the surface of the ramp when you push off

Using your dominant foot would not be as effective as using your other foot because of its lack of flexibility, which will make it harder for you to get enough momentum from your push-off so that your entire body gets lifted up on top of your skateboard. For example, let’s say that I am able to jump off my board with both feet at once; however instead of jumping immediately after pushing off my board with both feet (which would cause me fall backwards), I decide instead to use only one foot at first – my left one – in order to give me enough time before actually jumping off so that there isn’t any risk involved when doing this particular maneuver in terms of falling backwards while attempting to do so (which could potentially result in injury).


The best way to learn how to push off a skateboard is through practice. Find a nice, flat surface and start slow. You will need to get used to the motion of it all, so take your time! Once you have become comfortable with pushing off, then you can push yourself further and faster.

In addition to practicing on a flat surface, it is also important that you learn how stop too! This might seem like an obvious point but many people do not realize that in order for them to stop moving forward they must first put their foot down on the ground or pavement behind them. In addition, if there are any obstacles in front (potholes or cracks), then these should be avoided by leaning back into them instead of onto them when stopping suddenly as this could cause injury or damage your board if done incorrectly.[2]

Learn to stop as well

There are four ways to stop on a skateboard:

  • Turning your body to face the direction you want to go.
  • Using your back foot to push off.
  • Using your front foot to push off.
  • Pushing both feet at once while they’re on the board (and not even moving).

This method is called “stopping” because it literally makes you stop moving, which is what it’s supposed to do! You can also use both hands instead of one or none as long as they don’t touch any part of your body except for their palms and fingers touching each other (i.e., nothing else should be touching anything else). This will effectively keep you from falling off, but won’t really make much difference in terms of how fast or slow you go so we recommend using other methods instead unless there’s something really important nearby that needs protecting from harm like an adorable baby seal pup who just got kicked out by his mom because he was getting too big for his own good!

To push off the board, put your weight on the back foot and use it to push off. At the same time, use your front foot to push off as well. This will give you more momentum and help you get up higher onto your board.

Push with both feet at once!


These are just some of the ways to push off a skateboard. The best thing you can do is practice and find out what works best for you. Remember that it’s more important than anything else to stay safe when learning how to propel yourself on two wheels!

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